When in the course of human events it becomes evident that you are exhausted and worn out you must give in and sleep. I have spent a lot of time the past few days cranking out the wood carvings. Inspiration is a delicate creature... fragile, hard to hold and sharp as a razor, yet viscous as a caged tiger. It never fails that when I am at step one of a thirty step job I find myself wondering about the next project on the board.
I have many ideas that are free flowing and bubbling over the cauldron's edge, yet my two hands are full all the time. The things I want to do are being ripped away by the things I must do, we all feel this everyday. There is a project that I am dying to get started on, but I know that it will take a long time to finish. I got this piece last night and it is jumping out screaming owl or hawk,
The witch/wizard broom with the carved handle is running a close second, along with Santa ornaments, wizard wands, and walking sticks. But progress marches on and it will get done, all it takes is time...
Halloween has put several thoughts in as well, I owe my niece a carved skull, and I want to try some pumpkins also. A wooden pumpkin, never seen one of those... and a special thanks goes out to all the pagan witches who have been so nice and had so many ideas that I am dying to get to... you guys are great! I will get your orders out quick, so don't put any spells on me!
The work schedule is full and hectic, so it's business as usual...
Here's something ghostly and witchy!
Also about aliens....on my blog there's a link for Brainheart music on that website you'll find my friends email addy, he loves talking about aliens!
You know your hard work will pay off.
I won't put any spells on you cause you will get it done!!!
I couldn't find a picture of my ex-bf damon, so you'll have to deal with this:
Which reminds me, I still need to start building you a clock.
You'll shame me into starting something just by talking about all that you've finished!
See how lost I can be sometimes? I saw crazy Charlie's eyes and the title and remembered how he would tell his followers that: Leave something witchy. So this is what I will leave you: Arise!
I do know what you mean though...crochet, crochet, crochet. Or making other jewelry. When in my minds eye all I see are the rosaries clamoring for me to get busy on them. Sigh...just a few more weeks and we can get back to the wants to of this.
Some more places to feed the Halloween muse....
If your looking for insperation, try looking up Witches Hill in Lithuania. I enjoyed walking the trail and marveled at all the wood carvings.
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