Dexter's mom, Lauren, came down for a visit.... Dexter came with her as well as Steve, yes.. that would be Dexter's dad...
They were in town for a week, and what a week it's been... The visit was very quick, and very good, James had a wonderful time with Lauren and Dexter. He had a week full of playing with the baby, adventure sleeping (which is sleeping wherever you drop), Julie had a good time visiting, Patrick rounded out the visit with an impromptu mohawking from Lauren...
I didn't get to visit as much as I would've liked because we had a mishap with the well that had to be tended to.. That little episode took a couple of nights out of the visit for me and provided long stretches of time when we had no water, but in the end it all worked out.. (knock on wood)
It's good to see family and friends that have been away for a long time and this was just such a visit... they ran around with Julie and celebrated Patrick's birthday with them as I worked on the well and everyone had a good time... Now Patrick just has to get ready for the certain hard time he will endure while sporting his new hairstyle....
We talked about everything, had some good food, played with the kids and hung out in a frenetic mellowness that is the type of thing that the heart needs from time to time to recharge.. Thanks guys for coming down and remember that you have an open invitation and a place to sleep anytime you're in the mood for a change of pace from the frenzied lifestyle of Chicago..
They left just a little while ago in the usual flurry of tears and hugs and goodbyes that hurt for a while and are laced with tears that hang around a bit longer than you want them to, but they are the good kind of tears...
Being far away from family can have it's hard moments, so having one of them visit unwinds something in me. Having my Lola come and visit is priceless to me. She is my god daughter and we have been close since she was a wee girl. This visit she brought her son to meet me. I have no words for seeing one of the people closest to my heart pick up her child and pass him into my arms. I wrapped him close to me and breathed him in. Captured the moment in my mind to keep him close to me for when we have to be far apart. The visit was great but to short as always. Going by in a blur of late nights sitting up talking, working on the well, celebrating a birthday, and loving up our newest baby. I can't thank you guys enough for making the long drive to bring him to me. Thank you Steve for taking your vacation to bring your family here to visit us. We love you too. Now I wish for the time to fly by until we can all be together again and I can get my hands on "Blueberry". I miss him so much already that I can hardly stand it. xo xo :-)
You know, you've got to quit dumping bodies down that well.
Cool... except for the well trouble.
it was so fun. I hate being a grown up and not being able to stay for 3 months like I used to. :(
Families are but a memory away.
It is the greatest feeling when you can be with loved ones.
I bet Patrick will remember this birthday and his first mohawk.
James will love his blueberry forever.
Glad you all had a great visit!!!!
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