December 04, 2008

Devil Stain.. morality...

What is evil? Could evil be a lack of light... light being defined as goodness, kindness, love, beauty, and hope.. or is evil simply complete innocence?

Are the acts of complete evil perpetrated by people always done for the purposes of what are considered to be classic evil? Or are the true acts of abject evil committed with the purest of intentions, by the the most innocent of souls...

I guess that would slip into a discussion of morals... Right and wrong... Shit. To define morality is the biggest cluster
fuck of discussions to get into.. So by all means, let us now define morality.. the base morality of mankind would fall under the heading of the golden rule I would imagine, or hope. Even then, what one person would consider to be done unto them and be ok, wouldn't necessarily be defined as a doable thing to the next person.. thus the cluster point comes into play. What's right for one isn't always right for all, or rather agreed upon by all.

What law is to be followed at this point? God's? Man's? Which God? What man?

We could all probably agree on most common points, killing, stealing.. things of that nature. But what then. Like minded people flock together, then then hate those that do not agree with them.

Respect is the simple answer to this dilemma. Not agreeing with someone is where basic principles of this mindset come into play. You do not like what someone stands for? Then leave them be. Don't be so easily offended, change the station, put the book down, teach your children what you consider to be "right". The best weapon you have against "the devil" is to deny him.. it's also the easiest.

Easy to deny the devil and his evil ways? Sure.. character, honor...

Couple respect with understanding and you are fairly unbeatable... Disagree, yet understand opposing points of view.. ride that rail for a while and you will see what bliss is truly about...

Simply listen, feel no hatred, and be patient...


Jules said...

This is a good one...makes my mind start working turning things over and thinking about them.

drumdance said...

IMO the greatest evil comes from those who think they are doing good. The 9/11 terrorists surely thought they were going to heaven for their brave acts to protect God from the infidels.

The exceptions are the certifiably insane (i.e. serial killers) who are only out for themselves (psychopaths/sociopaths)
or are so far gone they don't even know the difference (meth addicts).

Eve said...

Yes, it is a good one. Who to listen to... the little horned devil or the little haloed angel that sits upon the shoulder? I definitely think that in some cases, the lesser of the two evils is the right choice, even though morally it shouldn't have to be limited, but sometimes it is what it is. It's the making restitution that becomes the important part.

ucmama said...

Hello! I followed you from Eve's blog. I love your writing style. I just wanted to add a little something.

Evil must exist for there to be good. If you don't have darkness, then you can't recognize light. There must be opposition in all things.

That's all I feel comfortable sharing since I'm new to your blog and all, but I'll keep reading if you don't mind - thanks!

Anonymous said...

Hmm...I don't know, but I do like the picture!