A few years ago I started a series of posts here entitled "glimpse", the reason for these posts were to give you guys a glimpse into the things that I see in everyday life. A glimpse of places that I like to go and things I like to do.
Recently, I felt a need to revisit the topic...
A few months ago I logged onto facebook and saw a post on my home page feed. The post said something about the daily special being beef tips and rice with gravy, collard greens, and black eyed peas... of course I took notice. I clicked on the link and was taken to a page for Christy's Cafe in Newnan. I can't remember when or how I became a fan of the page, but there it was... Real food.
Each day had a different special listed, as I read down the list I thought to myself, "why haven't I heard of this place?" I began to investigate, it sits at 30 Perry Street, I knew exactly where it was... The place had been a used bookstore at one point and another restaurant that my wife and I had visited. A few days later my mother wanted me to give her a ride to town for a few things that she needed, while in town she mentioned getting something to eat, so I mentioned Christy's..

I told my wife about it and suggested that we visit for breakfast that Saturday. They are only open seven to two during the week, so going with her would have to wait for the weekend. I had looked over the menu and was excited about trying the breakfast. Saturday rolled around and and we headed out with James in tow... Once there I ordered the "chicken skillet" when they brought the food I sat and stared at the plate before me for a couple of minutes... It was a huge pile of grilled chicken, hash browns, onions, peppers, and mushrooms topped with two scrambled eggs and a huge biscuit on the side... holy shit...

I sat and ate slowly.. the meal was perfect... Let me tell you about the biscuit... Do you remember the way the biscuits that your mother and grandmother made tasted? That buttermilk flavor? That's the way this biscuit tasted... except, they cut it in half, buttered it then grilled it.. the taste is amazing. I hadn't experienced that flavor since I was a kid... Yes.. I was damn near in tears...
I posted a picture of the chicken skillet on facebook, yes, I'm one of those annoying food posters... I was immediately inundated with texts and emails asking where this place was at. That has now become a sport for me. I post pictures or status updates that I'm there and I am always asked repeatedly where it is, what they have, etc...

Since that fateful week I have worked my way around their menu, a few times... I have never had anything that I didn't like. The slaw is astounding, the tuna salad is unbelievable, the burgers are unbeatable, the fish is incredible, the hush-puppies are perfect, the brisket is always exactly right, and Christy makes all the desserts herself.. the banana split pie will make you cry its so good......
If you are tired of chain restaurants with poor service, televisions all over the place, stale menus, and tired gimmicks, go over to Christy's Cafe on Perry St. (its between the tag office and the post office) and give them a try. Christy, Rick, and Trina will treat you to something you haven't had in a long time... a pleasant experience at a place where you are welcome, where quality is upheld, and you actually feel like you just went over to your moms house to eat lunch on a lazy Sunday afternoon... I suggest going on Friday night first to get the experience of the "Friday night catfish and barbecue special" I'm sure I'll see you there.. Hats off guys on a job well done, keep it going! and for the love of god... put deep fried corn on the cob on the menu!