November 22, 2008

Plain ass cold...

With the weather taking a decidedly unsouthern turn toward winter, I made the decision yesterday to lay in a supply of breakfast materials for this morning. This way no one would have to venture out in eighteen degree fall briskness when it was discovered that we lacked something we didn't think about, yet would surely need..

Everything was in place and set the night before and what has transpired is a frenzy of comfy chair sleeping, reading, video game playing, sausage and bacon overload, coffee swimming, and complete domestic upheaval.

I have always loved the quips about the south that transplants toss out at such times.. Especially when a thin layer of snow blankets the ground and everything shuts down... resulting in a run on bread and milk at any and all supply depots.. But hey, why the hell not? It only happens once or twice a year and we have no real supply of salt trucks or plows to deal with it, why not just stay at home, eat & let the kids run around outside for a bit... It'll be gone tomorrow and life will be back to normal...

Yes, we are easily amused in the south, a few snow flakes and we all are stuck to the windows watching it fall with childlike enthusiasm. The air is crisp and a quiet chill blankets the outside, these blurry shots from the porch were braved when it was about twenty three outside, yet the thick socks and flannel pajamas and long winter coat held it at bay. My shoes were in the bedroom and we do not disturb spousal repose for such an excuse as to suit up for picture taking early in the morning... but the books were lined up, the warm blankets at hand to snuggle under, the video games piled in playing order, movies queued up for later, coffee free flowing in gigantic mugs, and food piled high... Yep, it's been a good day...


Anonymous said...

My outdoor thermometers read 13 degrees at 8:00 this morning.

Jules said...

Ah yes, the cold. It has been a constant stream of coffee today. I think this is the third pot I have made and you have hardly helped me drink any of it :-). How did I even sleep? But it was a good day. Thanks for thinking ahead so we could stay snugged in.

Patrick said...

I was getting annoyed at how I couldn't beat that guy. Maybe we should sell the mine launcher? We don't even have any ammo for it. We could use it to upgrade another weapon or buy more health. But I agree with using the knife as much as possible, if he doesn't trip us and the impale me first though.

HeartofGoldPlate said...

quit making me miss you guys so damn much. :{

C.S. Perry said...

I was on my way to the doctor this morning while you were all snug.
Luckily everything's okay but I missed my breakfast because someone was screaming in the back seat while I was trying to order it from the lousy drive through and when you lament a breakfast like that, well...

Leslie Rubio said...

Plain ass cold is NOT for me-I much prefer the warmer temps.-like in Jamaica-85 degrees year round for the most part-wish I was there with LadyRoots!

Sounds like you were ahead of the game and all set for the weather. This past Friday was a freezer, but today has warmed up some here in Virginia-probably similar where you are.

Snow days are the best days-I can handle cold for SNOW!

Love your writing!


Junebug said...

You want me to send you the snow from Illinois?
I will you can have all of it!!!
I hate SNOW that is a bad four letter word to me.
When snow is forecasted here we always make sure there is food in the house as we never know how much snow will arrive!